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Kepler-22b 5
York 55
Germany 177
Colombia 1
Colombia 1
In you'r heart♥︎ 10
Antioquia, Colombia 12
Heaven 220
Norway 3
The Netherlands 5
Latvia 2
Bulgaria 29
Latvia 12
depth of space 6
Seychelles 83
Serbia 67
Poland 34
Latvia 91
Croatia Dubrovnik 28
Asia 7
Colombia 3
Colombia♥ 2
On the same planet with you ❣️ 29
Europe 4
Cundinamarca, Colombia 2
Antioquia, Colombia 1
Romania 23
oohanni 21
South Korea 95
_vi_vi_ 20
Poland 116
Planet Earth 13
BoobsLand 14
Here 1
Greatest city on the Earth:) 230
Irleand. Cork 1